Learning English in a Science Classroom is part of a joint global learning initiative of Weiming America Learning Center and International Education Association to provide education resources to global learners. Learning English in a Science Classroom is a series of k-2 level science courses developed under state science education standards. Weiming America Learning Center and International Education Association repurposed the courses for beginner English Learners to learn science knowledge and improve English proficiency at the same time.
Me and My Shadow
This chapter explores how light interacts with objects in order to create shadows.
Learning Objectives
NGSS covered in this lesson: Some materials allow light to pass through them, others allow only some light through and others block all the light and create a dark shadow on any surface beyond them, where the light cannot reach. Mirrors can be used to redirect a light beam. (1-PS4-3) Grade Level Readability 1.5 (320L)
This is a Grade 1 level science lesson.

I am almost always with you.
I go where you go.
If you walk to school, I walk to school.
At times, I am in front of you.
Other times, I am behind you.

Am I ever not there?
If it is cloudy, I am not there.
If you are in a dark room, I am not there.
Do you know what I am?

At times, I am really tall.
Other times, I am very short.
It really just depends.
If you are outside in the morning, I am tall.
In the late afternoon, I am also very tall.
Around noon, I am short.
I go where you go.
You move and I move.
I may appear on the ground.
I may also appear on a wall.
Do you know what I am?
That’s right, I am your shadow.

Shadows can appear when light is blocked.
Only certain things can have shadows.
A glass window does not have a shadow.
Do you know why?

Light is able to pass through some material.
Light can pass through glass.
Shadows appear when light can not pass through an object.
Shadows are areas where light is blocked
Light travels in a straight line.
If it didn’t, it would wrap around you.
You would not have a shadow.
Because it does travel in a straight line, light is blocked by your shape.
You move and your shadow moves.
How can you make your shadow move?

Where your shadow appears depends on where the light comes from.
If light comes from your left, your shadow will be on your right.
If the light is coming from behind you, your shadow will be in front of you.
That’s why your shadow changes during the day.
The Sun is a light source.

If the Sun is going down, your shadow will be long.
If the Sun is coming up, your shadow will be long.
If the Sun is directly over your head, where is your shadow?
That’s right!
Your shadow will be below you.
Your shadow is always opposite the light source.

Where else can you see shadows?
How do they move during the day?
Look around and see how many objects have shadows.
Do you see me?
I am your shadow.