“全家福” can refer to a family portrait, but it is also the name of a traditional meat dish. Dictionaries often provide both translations. Strangely the meat dish seems to appear in online Chinese-English dictionaries more readily than the family picture translation.
These people put 全家福 into an online translation website and it gave them “Stewed Assorted Meat“. Then they blindly copied and pasted.
有道词典给出的就是这个结果,但同时也提供了正确的翻译 youdao.com gives this result, along with a correct translation
海词词典查全家福结果全是与肉相关 Dict.cn results for 全家福 are all about meat.
百度给出第一个正确翻译,但同时也提供与肉有关的翻译选择。 Baidu gives the correct translation first but also suggests various meat dishes.
提醒: 检查机器翻译,以确保翻译语言适合你所采用的语境。 The lesson: Check machine translations to be sure they make sense in context before using them.