Weiming Host Families

weiming america Host families

Many students who have lived with American families report that the experience helped them learn American English faster than their peers and introduced them to more nuanced parts of American culture.  Many of our students report having a more positive opinion of American life after moving in with a host family. We believe students who choose to stay with a local family gain valuable cultural experiences, increasing the likelihood they will become constructive world leaders, which will have positive benefits for our global society.  Our students have said that when they return home to China, they bring with them a broader worldview and have many positive stories to share of their time abroad.

Approval Process

Weiming America maintains a full vetting process in accordance with CSIET standards. Once an application to host has been submitted, the potential host is contacted to set up an in-home interview with all adults in the household. After the interview, all household adults must undergo a background check and references are contacted for the host parents. If the potential host family meets all of the requisite standards, the host parents sign a hosting agreement for the current term, a profile is created, and the student placement process begins!

Management Process

Host families are required to submit monthly reports on how each student in their care is fairing socially, academically, behaviorally, mentally, and physically. These reports keep Weiming up-to-date on students and their relationships with their host families, while also allowing us to monitor for potential problems.

Host families are also encouraged to reach out to their host family coordinator at every step of the way. Coordinators build relationships with host families to help guide them through the process and offer support where needed.

Host family coordinators keep in close communication with student coordinators and help mediate issues between students and hosts when issues arise.  In-person check-ins are also scheduled at least once per semester with hosts to make sure everything is going well!

host family experiences

Feedback from Weiming America host families via monthly report submissions, direct feedback and end-of-year surveys:

Hosting [our student] has been great. It has had its challenging moments - being a teenager isn’t easy and being a teenager thousands of miles away from everyone and everything you know has to be scary - but I get it and as a mom I do everything I can to help her with her journey. Being able to help support her and be her mother figure has been incredibly rewarding and knowing that we have family throughout the world is one of the best feelings … absolutely the BEST!”

"A" Family

Feb. 2020

"A" Family

Nov. 2018
We have had such a fun month! My daughter is expecting a baby so my [exchange] girls have been helping me make centerpieces and party favors for my daughter's shower. [The girls] attended the baby shower, so that was a fun American tradition for them to see! We also attended the Thanksgiving Parade and even had grandstand seating. The girls have become very comfortable interacting with my extended family and they enjoyed our Thanksgiving dinner and traditions.
When [our student first arrived] last month, we had to work through food/cuisine adjustments but we are doing fine now. He has been so polite and thoughtful. He knows when to go to sleep, so waking up for school is not an issue. He has found ways to keep himself active while [our other exchange student] is not at home. He finds time to study and do his homework before coming down to sit with us in the evenings. He has started to make friends.

"W" Family

Sept. 2018

"N" Family

Oct. 2018
We had a lot of fun with [our student] this month. We went to the...International Student Retreat where we picked apples and grapes, drove a boat, played table tennis, explored a corn maze, climbed a dune, and played games. The following week was Spirit Week at school. He participated by dressing up to win points for the senior class. The week culminated in the Homecoming Dance; [our student] invited some new friends to eat dinner at our house before going to the dance. They all had a lot of fun!"
Host Families

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